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Eco-Friendly Ways to keep warm this winter

There’s no doubt about it, winter is well and truly on its way. The phrase “just put a jumper on” will soon be a distant memory, as will the sight of those beautiful autumnal leaves as you walk down the road. Unfortunately, colder nights are coming so what do you need to do?
You guessed it – prepare.
Preparation is the key to beating almost all adversity when it comes to weather, and the winter chill is no exception. So, take in our list of simple winter solutions below, and you’ll be all set in your budget-friendly fight against the freeze quicker than you can reach for a pair of Magic gloves. Oh, and as you all know, here at Griff we’re all about the green living life – so expect some eco-friendly alternatives to the traditional warming methods of the season.
Sometimes the oldies are the best. Door, floor, roof and wall insulation are all cornerstones of a warm, keeping-the-costs-down winter home. Much of the heat in any home escapes through the roof, so it’s vital that seeing to this area is one of your first ports of call.
Make the most of natural light
Many people are advised to keep their curtains or blinds closed during the winter period, as they can offer another level of insulation to a home. Whilst this might be true, we’d advise that if the sun shines towards one of your windows, leave that curtain open during the day – the heat from the sun will offer a level of warmth you didn’t realise was available, and at no extra charge!
Wrap up warm
Whilst this might go against what we said in our intro, it would be remiss of us not to point out this obvious solution. It’s amazing what a nice warm dressing gown, slippers and a cup of tea can do for your warmth (not to mention your mood!).
Install a Space Heater
Gone are the days where electricity was the most expensive way to heat a home. Many modern Space Heaters boast the capability to be powered by renewable energy sources, such as green energy and solar panels.
“But how will solar panels power my heater in winter?” we hear you say.
Well, contrary to popular belief, a cold chill can actually improve the performance of your solar panels – after all, solar power comes from light, not heat. Snow and lack of long-term sunlight can present obstacles, yes, but most good solar providers will take all seasonal factors into account when putting together your solution.
If you’d like to discuss with us a solar panel solution in more depth then please feel free to contact one our expert team today, who’ll be more than happy to help.