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Everyday Uses of Solar Power

Griff Services Ltd provide the latest in renewable energy technology for domestic and commercial use, allowing you to save both money and the planet. Grid electrical power, generated by burning fossil fuels, contributes to air pollution and global warming. This has therefore led to an increased use in alternative energy solutions such as solar and wind power as more and more people strive to go green and protect the planet.
Using renewable energy reduces dependence on fossil fuels, helping you to avoid the rising cost of energy bills. In fact, those who invest in renewable energy technologies benefit from cheaper energy bills. Renewable energy that comes from natural sources like solar panels and wind turbines is also known as sustainable energy, this unlike the energy generated from fossil fuels, will never come into extinction. For this reason, renewable energy provides greater long-term energy security and therefore more people have adopted it into their everyday lives.
Take a look at some of the way solar power has become increasingly popular in everyday usage below.
Solar Panels
From helping you become grid independent all the way to actually making you money, there are plenty of reasons to consider installing solar panels at home. By generating your own energy, you will need to buy less from your energy supplier. In fact, installing home solar panels can help you become partially or completely independent from the national grid. Solar panels still produce energy even in winter and on overcast days, so you can make use of energy generated in the day all year ‘round. This means you’re only ever paying energy from your supplier at night when it is much cheaper and you’re likely to use a lot less. Want to stop relying on your energy supplier altogether? You can install a solar battery and store energy generated in the day to use whenever you want, saving you even more money in the long-run.
Solar Security
Whether it’s for extra security or for extra light in those dark spaces, many homes install a security light on the exterior of their homes. Whether it be over the garage or the patio doors, with no wiring required, simply installed on either a wall or fence post it will start charging during the daylight. During the night the motion detector will pick up movement providing functionality without the fuss.
Solar Gadgets
More so than ever in this time of climate crisis, the value of renewable energy is soaring. In a world where common commodities are coming at more of a premium than ever before, the fact that we possess what is virtually an everlasting source of power is incredible, and certainly something we should all look to be making the most of. Take a look at some of the solar powered gadgets you may want to try incorporating into your lifestyle, from phone chargers to backpacks there is something for everyone to try. Solar energy is inexhaustible, meaning we won’t be running out of it (whilst the sun is still here that is) so make the most of the sun and power up your gadgets!
Solar Transport
From Solar Panels in the home to wearable devices and gadgets it only seems natural that this will somehow be adopted into the way we use transport too. So, it’s not surprising that railroad manufacturers are now looking to solar energy to power the trains that we commute on. From lighting the track to rail carriages being installed with solar panels, many countries are looking to to help reduce the carbon footprint and reduce costs which are typically quite expensive. Buses and other forms of public transport have also started to integrate the technology especially in Europe and America, in an effort to reduce carbon emissions from being emitted into the atmosphere.
If you’re still considering solar panels and battery storage for your home check out our blog on Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panels for Your Home.